Computer Science EngineeringNewsTechnology

Google Launches New Programming Language Called Carbon

Google developers released new programming language called Carbon. It is an open and experimental programming language and could be serve as a successor language to C++ programming language.

The language was recently unveiled by Google developer Chandler Carruth at the CPP North conference in Toronto on 19th July, 2022.

The main purpose of Carbon is to be what TypeScript is to JavaScript, and Kotlin is to Java. It is not a replacement language to C++ but a successor language which aim for large scale adaptation and migration for existing developers.

C++ currently doesn’t have any successor language, as Rust is very hard for users to understand and it is in very early stage of development. So, it is difficult to call Rust as a successor of C++, and Carbon could possibly be a successor of C++ programming language.

Some of the Key Features of Carbon:

  1. Carbon provides modern generic system with checked definitions.
  2. Carbon will mainly focus on code that will be easy to write and read.
  3. The language will also fast and scalable for development.
  4. The language supports all the operating systems, hardware architectures and environments.

Why is the need of C++ successor language?

C++ is a dominant programming language for the performance critical software goals prioritize. The most direct way to deliver a modern and excellent developer experience for those use cases and developers would improve C++.

Improving C++ language to deliver the kind of performance experience developers expect from programming language is difficult.

Hello World Program in Carbon:

package sample api;    
fn Main() -> i32 {
    Print("Hello, World!");
    return 0;

Carbon Syntax:

  1. Keywords are, fn for function, var for variable declaration.
  2. Pointers provide indirect access and mutation.
  3. Function input parameters are read only values.
  4. Expressions to name type.

Mahesh Vyas

I am Engineer and Web Developer. I made to find the better solutions for our engineering community, help and provide the information about engineering and technology. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

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