Marine Engineering is a branch of engineering in which the expertise in the operation and construction of machine equipment’s for sea and ocean related operations. Marine Engineering is the engineering of boats, ships, submarines and marine vessels.
Project work is one of the most important part of our Final Year Marine Engineering Diploma and Degree curriculum. Students have to find the project topics to select a particular project work.
To help students here are some of the latest and most updated Final Year Marine Engineering project topics including the projects like new inventions and technologies in marine, ships, boats, marine related machineries and constructions are as follows,
Design and optimization of propeller systems for improved ship performance |
Analysis of ship maneuverability and simulation of complex maneuvering scenarios |
Study of marine biofouling prevention and control methods |
Design and analysis of offshore mooring systems for floating structures |
Investigation of marine salvage and wreck removal techniques |
Gas Lift Optimization of Oil Producing Wells Using Prosper Nodal Analysis |
Analysis of marine pollution control measures and their environmental impact |
Design and construction of a small-scale model of an offshore platform |
Study of underwater acoustics and its impact on marine life |
Thermal and Mechanical Designing of Marine Auxiliary Boiler |
Investigation of marine renewable energy technologies for sustainable power generation |
Development of a dynamic positioning system for offshore vessels |
Study of wave energy conversion systems for renewable power generation |
Design and analysis of offshore wind turbine foundations |
Development of an efficient ballast water treatment system for ships |
Development of a smart monitoring system for ship performance and condition |
Study of ship stability and its impact on vessel safety and cargo operations |
Design and Fabrication of a Marine Shafting System |
Investigation of corrosion protection techniques for marine structures |
Development of an underwater autonomous vehicle for marine exploration |
Design and construction of a model of a floating offshore wind turbine |
Study of marine renewable energy resource assessment and site selection |
Development of an intelligent vessel traffic management system |
Analysis of marine environment impact assessment for coastal projects |
Determination of Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure from Well Head Data |
Torsional Vibration Analysis of Marine Diesel Engine |
Design and optimization of marine heat exchangers for energy efficiency |
Analysis of ship resistance and propulsion characteristics |
Fishing oat Using Indigenous Materials |
Investigation of marine geotechnical engineering for offshore construction |
Design and optimization of a floating LNG terminal |
Development of an automated underwater inspection system for ship hulls |
Study of marine propulsion systems using alternative fuels |
Design and optimization of a ship’s hull for fuel efficiency |
Design and optimization of ship fire protection systems |
Investigation of marine hydrodynamics and ship motions |
Development of nodal analysis for production optimization a software assisted approach |
Development of a marine pollution monitoring and response system |
Design and optimization of offshore oil and gas production platforms |
Analysis of marine renewable energy grid integration and storage |
Investigation of marine structural analysis and finite element methods |
Study of Performance of Micro Particle Dispersed PCM |
Dynamics of LNG Market and Propulsion Alternatives A Cost Analysis |
Development of an efficient marine waste management system |
Development of a predictive maintenance system for marine machinery |
Study of marine resource extraction and sustainable practices |
A survey on improving the efficiency of security agents in ports |
Design and optimization of offshore drilling technologies |
Analysis of marine ecosystem conservation and management |
Investigation of marine electronics and communication systems |
Development of an automated underwater mapping and surveying system |
Study of marine propulsion system emissions and environmental impacts |
Determination of flowing bottom-hole pressure from well-head data |
Investigation of marine biotechnology applications in healthcare and industry |
Oil water separator for marine time applications |
Study of marine spatial planning and coastal zone management |
Study of offshore pipeline engineering and subsea infrastructure |
Design and construction of a small-scale model of a marine hydroelectric generator |
Analysis of ship noise and vibration control measures |
Investigation of marine habitat restoration and artificial reefs |
Empirical correlation of oil effective permeability as a function of pressure |
Design and optimization of marine cooling systems for industrial applications |
Analysis of marine accident investigation and safety practices |