
Wire Gauge Size Chart

A wire gauge size chart, also known as a wire gauge table or wire gauge chart, it is a reference table chart that specifies the diameter, area and thickness of electrical wires. It represents wire sizes in both the American Wire Gauge (AWG) system and the metric system (millimeters or square millimeters).

Some of the key points you need to understand when reading a wire gauge size chart:

  1. AWG Gauge Numbers: American Wire Gauge is a standardized wire gauge system used in the United States to note the diameter of electrically conducting wire. In the AWG system, lower gauge numbers represent thicker wires.
  2. Cross-Sectional Area: The chart includes the cross-sectional area of the wire in square millimeters (mm²).
  3. Diameter: A mil is a unit of length equal to 0.001 inch.
  4. Current Ratings: Some charts include recommended current-carrying capacities for different wire sizes based on specific conditions.
AWGDiameter (inches)Diameter (mm)Area (mm2)Resistance (Ohms / 1000 ft)Resistance (Ohms / km)Max Current (Amperes)Max Frequency (for 100% skin depth)
00000.4611.6841070.0490.16072302125 Hz
0000.409610.40384850.06180.202704239160 Hz
0000.36489.2659267.40.07790.255512190200 Hz
00.32498.2524653.50.09830.322424150250 Hz
10.28937.3482242.40.12390.406392119325 Hz
20.25766.5430433.60.15630.51266494410 Hz
30.22945.8267626.70.1970.6461675500 Hz
40.20435.1892221.20.24850.8150860650 Hz
50.18194.6202616.80.31331.02762447810 Hz
60.1624.114813.30.39511.295928371100 Hz
70.14433.6652210.50.49821.634096301300 Hz
80.12853.26398.370.62822.060496241650 Hz
90.11442.905766.630.79212.598088192050 Hz
100.10192.588265.260.99893.276392152600 Hz
110.09072.303784.171.264.1328123200 Hz
120.08082.052323.311.5885.208649.34150 Hz
130.0721.82882.622.0036.569847.45300 Hz
140.06411.628142.082.5258.2825.96700 Hz
150.05711.450341.653.18410.443524.78250 Hz
160.05081.290321.314.01613.172483.711 kHz
170.04531.150621.045.06416.609922.913 kHz
180.04031.023620.8236.38520.94282.317 kHz
190.03590.911860.6538.05126.407281.821 kHz
200.0320.81280.51810.1533.2921.527 kHz
210.02850.72390.4112.841.9841.233 kHz
220.02540.645160.32616.1452.93920.9242 kHz
230.02260.574040.25820.3666.78080.72953 kHz
240.02010.510540.20525.6784.19760.57768 kHz
250.01790.454660.16232.37106.17360.45785 kHz
260.01590.403860.12940.81133.85680.361107 kHz
270.01420.360680.10251.47168.82160.288130 kHz
280.01260.320040.08164.9212.8720.226170 kHz
290.01130.287020.064281.83268.40240.182210 kHz
300.010.2540.0509103.2338.4960.142270 kHz
310.00890.226060.0404130.1426.7280.113340 kHz
320.0080.20320.032164.1538.2480.091430 kHz
330.00710.180340.0254206.9678.6320.072540 kHz
340.00630.160020.0201260.9855.7520.056690 kHz
350.00560.142240.0163291079.120.044870 kHz
360.0050.1270.0127414.813600.0351100 kHz
370.00450.11430.01523.117150.02891350 kHz
380.0040.10160.00797659.621630.02281750 kHz
390.00350.08890.00632831.827280.01752250 kHz
400.00310.078740.00501104934400.01372900 kHz
Table: Wire Gauge Size Chart

A wire gauge size chart facilitates informed decisions regarding wire selection, promoting safety, applications, specifications, efficiency, and reliability in a wide range of applications.