
Solid Waste Management | Definition, Types, Various Sources

Solid waste management is a process of collecting and treating solid waste. It is a one of the types of management system in which the solid waste can be treated and recycle.

As the population increase day-by-day and people are living in a residential areas, garbage and solid wastes are one of the most important issues for our environment.

Solid waste is all about disposing a solid waste in a proper treated way, as disposal of municipal solid waste outside cities or in a waste dump area can cause many problems and unsanitary conditions which also lead to increase pollution and diseases.

Solid wastes are disposed materials which occurs from residential, industrial, commercial and agriculture activities. The collection, treatment and disposal of solid waste in proper process is known as solid waste management.

A proper manner of solid waste management is very important either it causes harmful conditions for humans and environment, as the reason solid waste management is one of the most important things to perform in all aspects.

Types of Solid Wastes:

Solid wastes are generated in industries, residential, hospitals and many other places. The solid wastes can be divided into two main types, hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste.

Hazardous Waste:

The waste which are generated in industries, hospitals, chemical factories and contain toxic and hazardous substances and those wastes are harmful for environment is called as hazardous solid wastes. Some of the examples of hazardous wastes are, chemicals, pesticides, paints, kerosene, drugs, radioactive wastes, etc.

Non-Hazardous Waste:

The waste which are generated in residential areas, schools, commercials and do not contain any toxic substances and not harmful for environment is known as non-hazardous solid waste. Some of the examples of non-hazardous wastes are municipal waste, papers, food waste, plastic, construction waste, etc.

Categories of Waste:

Some of the main categories of wastes are as follows,

Organic Waste: Food waste, kitchen waste, spoiled vegetables, flowers, leaves, etc.

Recycle Waste: Paper, Newspaper, Plastics, Metals, Glass, etc.

Construction Waste: Roofing waste, concrete waste, broken bricks, etc.

Hazardous Waste: Medical wastes, chemicals, industrial wastes, oils, acids, etc.

Combustible Waste: Paper, wood, dried leaves and branches, etc.

Toxic Waste: Radioactive waste, chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, paints, medical drugs, etc.

Various Sources of Solid Wastes:

Solid wastes are one of the very important issues for our environment. Every day, tones of solid waste produce from various sources. Those wastes come from homes, schools, offices, hospitals, industries and such many places.
There are some of the major sources of solid wastes are as follows,

1. Residential Waste:

Residential wastes are those wastes which produced from homes and generated by humans on daily basis. The major residential wastes are solid waste such as garbage, papers, plastics, metals, waste products, etc.

2. Industrial Waste:

Industrial wastes are produces from various types of industries. Industrial wastes are one of the biggest contributors of solid waste and the most harmful reason of hazardous waste for our environment. The industries produce solid wastes such as waste products, plastics, packaging wastes, demolition materials, chemicals, etc.

3. Medical Waste:

Medical wastes are those wastes which comes through hospitals and medical institutes. The medical wastes such as old medical drugs, syringes, expired syrups and drugs, medical clothes, etc. Some of the medical wastes are toxic and hazardous for nature.

4. Commercial Waste:

Commercial wastes are generated through offices, shopping complexes, malls, hotels, markets, office buildings, etc. The commercial wastes are food waste, glass, paper, metals, material wastes, other wastes, etc.

5. Municipal Waste:

Municipal wastes are that kind of waste which municipal services dump from residences, parks, railway stations, bus stands, municipal services, beaches, public places, industries and other solid waste sources.

and other solid waste sources.

Solid Waste Management in India:

Solid waste management is one of the major problems in India. As the urbanization, industrialization and economic growth increases has resulted to increase in the growth of solid waste on the daily basis in India.

Solid waste management in India comes under the Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC). In the year 2016, the ministry released Solid Waste Management rule. Currently the solid waste management has major challenges to manage solid wastes in the major cities in the country as the increase in the growth of solid waste per person.