Chemical engineering is a diverse and dynamic field that involves the design, optimization, and analysis of complex processes in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to energy production. It is a branch of engineering deals with the study of operation and design of chemical plants. It involves the production and manufacturing of products by using chemical processes.
Chemical engineering uses principles of physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and economics to use, design and transform energy and materials. In today’s world, software’s are playing an important role to perform an important task. Here are some of the best software’s tools that chemical engineers used for their work are as follows,
ASPEN Plus is one of the most widely used process simulation software tools in the chemical engineering industry. ASPEN stands for Advanced System for Process Engineering, a project which was granted to MIT by US Department of Energy in the year 1981 in order to build a software which is able to model industrial scale chemical processes. The software later launched for private applications.
ASPEN Plus is a software that allows users to build a process models to simulate by using complex calculations.
ASPEN HYSYS is one of the leading and most widely used process simulation software tools in the chemical engineering industry. It is a chemical process simulator currently developed by AspenTech used to mathematically model chemical processes. HYSYS is able to perform many core calculations of chemical engineering and used extensively for various applications in industry, design, process, performance and optimization.
MATLAB is a proprietary multi programming and numeric computing environment developed by MathWorks. MATLAB is widely used for chemical engineering applications to analyze real-time sensor data, implement control strategies and create predictive maintenance systems based on machine learning and big data.
MATLAB helps chemical engineers to develop predictive maintenance systems by applying numerical techniques on high-speed sensor data and implement advanced predictive control strategies.
CHEMCAD is a comprehensive process simulation software solution used for designing, analyzing, simulation and optimizing chemical processes. CHEMCAD is flexible enough to handle virtually every challenge that comes while simulation. It is designed to help you drive productivity, process simulation, accomplish day-today tasks and solution for toughest chemical process models.
CHEMCAD is flexible, affordable and highly customizable with all the modules work in a single graphical user interface for seamless interaction that easily integrates into chemical engineering computing environment. EMCADDas
AutoCAD is a computer aided designing (CAD) software which is used to create 2D and 3D models of equipment’s, power plants and systems. AutoCAD is widely used by engineers in all across fields and by chemical engineers for various fields of applications. It is also used to create 2D diagrams of chemical processes. AutoCAD is one of the most important and crucial for visualizing designs and ensuring the accurate sizes of drawings and designs.

DWSIM is an open-source CAPE-OPEN compliant chemical process simulator for Windows, Linux and macOS. DWSIM is able to simulate steady-state, vapor-liquid, vapor-liquid-liquid, solid-liquid and aqueous electrolyte equilibrium processes. It has an easy-to-use graphical interface with many features are available for commercial chemical process simulators. DWSIM has parallel modular solver for steady-state and dynamic modeling. It is also compatible graph plotting abilities.
Chemical Engineering has bright career opportunities in future in the global engineering market. It is a booming market for fertilizers, chemical laboratories, petrochemical and food processing industry. The software’s and tools mentioned are the best software’s for chemical engineers to enhance efficiency, provides chemical simulation and solution with wide applications in chemical engineering. Choosing the right software depends on the specific requirements of the tasks need to perform and the complexity of the process.